Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Lego Bushes

So after ordering all my Lego, I realised I had forgotten one main component, the lego bushings. These are used to keep axles in place. Because I only needed a couple and the minimum order spend on most brickowl stores is £2, I chose to try and 3d print them myself. As well as making a useful component, 3d printing something so small and precise would give me lots of experience in using the 3d printing process.

At first I downloaded a model from the 3d warehouse and adapted it so it could be printed easier (less overhanging edges). With this done I tried printing out my first model.

I found that this was too small. I went back to the design and started changing it by making the hole wider. After being printed out this also didn't fit. Then I had the idea of printing a row of the bushes but each one scaled up by a mm. I did that and found the one that gave me the best interference fit and the file.

With this success I now have the ability to print of as many lego bushings as I so desire. The final result is as shown below.

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